[COMPLETE CHECKLIST]: Content Marketing Strategy Checklist with Tools

7 steps to create a solid content marketing strategy


Original article: https://storychief.io/content-marketing-strategy-checklist


1. Know your target audience – RESEARCH

You’re just an alien from another planet until your content strikes a chord with your audience. So:

  • Collect data about your audience and analyze it
  • Create your target personas and content themes around the topics they’re interested in

Here are some great tools to help you identify your audience and their interests:


2. Set goals


Why are you bothering with a content marketing strategy to begin with?

For example, make sure your goals are:

  • Realistic: “I want to publish 1 piece of content daily.” This is both specific and doable.
  • Measurable: “I want to increase our blog traffic by 5% by next month.” There is a timeline and way to measure this.
  • Relevant: “I’ll increase the quality of leads by providing valuable content that builds trust.” This aligns with the business strategy.

Platforms like StoryChief help you meet your end goal, where you can create content and collaborate before distributing and tracking performance.


3. Create an inventory – Audit

What do you have in-house already? Perform a content audit so you’re not reinventing the proverbial wheels.

You can do this manually or use one of these great tools:

While you’re at it, make sure to set your brand’s tone and voice. Mailchimp’s Content Style Guide and our Content Writing Checklist will help you level up your content marketing for sure.

4. Plan it

Powering up your content marketing strategy is key. But before you blast off, make sure to…

1) Decide on your format:
  • For Brand Awareness: Social Media Posts, Blog Posts and Articles, Infographics, Videos
  • For Lead Generation: Ebooks, Case Studies, Templates, Webinars, Podcast

2) Decide on your publishing channels:

5. Document it and Manage


A solid content marketing strategy yields documented and repeatable workflows. Get the right tools so you don’t fall into the Black Hole of Content:

Visual Content and Workflow Diagramming:
– LucidChart
– Draw.io

Notes and List-Keeping:
– Evernote
– Microsoft OneNote
– Google Keep

Project Management:
– Trello
– Airtable
– Basecamp
– Asana
– Notion


6. Publish and Promote


You’ve got your content in place and you know where it’s going. It’s time to launch it.

But before you do:

  • Be sure your content is optimized for mobile.
  • Avoid duplicate content issues.
  • Prioritize using a Content Calendar.
  • Don’t forget about SEO:
    • Ubersuggest is super easy to use for keyword research
    • StoryChief’s very own SEO tool was ranked #2 of the day on Product Hunt. Make sure to take a look!

Now go and get your brand out there!


7. Measure and Improve

Equally as important as the launch is nailing the landing.

You need to determine what works and what doesn’t work, and where. The behavior of your visitors will dictate your future content plans:

Then you can go huddle with your team live or via Slack or Whereby and do it all over again!
Good luck with your
content marketing strategy

“There is one thing to keep in mind: testing every random aspect of your website can be counter-productive. You can blow time and money on software, workers, and consultants, testing things that won’t increase your website revenue enough to justify the tests.

Source: Neil Patel (https://neilpatel.com/blog/19-obvious-ab-tests/)


Did you know that locating your CTA below the fold could increase your conversion rate by 304 percent

Don’t take anything for granted: test above the fold, below the fold, in the middle/left/right of the page, and relationship to text elements.

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