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How to use paid advertising to multiply your organic lead generation strategies?

How to make an ad strategy that will support your organic activities


3 major mistakes that your business might be doing:

  1. Don’t use just organic traffic, because you are missing out a loooot of potential clients.
  2. Don’t use just advertising, because ads are not a magic stick in your hand. You have to use it strategically, you have to become friends with FB algorhytm. You can do that by supplying them valuable data about your audience, your content, engagement and quality content that your audience is interested in.
  3. Don’t use just one channel, but instead go for multi-channel marketing. You will nurture your potential leads through different channels and tocuhpoints. The end goal: higher trust, higher conversions, more sales.


Just like your launches have phases, so do the ads. You cant jump directly to sales.

Instead you have to warm up the audience that doesn’t know you, share valuable content, build that know, like and trust factor and then you can gradually invite them to work with you.



Organic reach is in decline.

They work in the same way, except for the fact that with paid advertising you can reach thousands more potential clients.

You can choose that one person that you would like to target – obviously not 1 exact person but you can target a group of similar individuals that shares a similar interest, driving intentions, hobbies,

You can target them by demographic, interest, behaviours or based on your own data – for example if someone was interested in looking at your video more than 3 minutes, they are interested in the topic, they might be interested in working with you. So what faceobok does is that it looks at your current clients and most engaged followers and it analyses everthing about them and then FB finds similar audience to your most valuable audience base that will more likely convert in sales.




Organic social is the foundation that your ad strategy rests on. Behind every successful ad campaign is a consistent and creative social media presence that strengthens brand, relationships, and trust.


So you don’t jump into the direct selling right away, but instead you first attract cold audience, warm them up with usefull content, advices, get initial interest, warm the leads and then sell. It seems like a lot of work, but in return you get higher conversion rate, more sales and higher life-time value of your clients. So this is actually a building a relationship with your clients from a complete stranger to a devoted fan, that trusts you



  • You get a lot of free organic traffic and engaged audience
  • FB algorirthm gets the data and A SIGNAL THAT YOU HAVE VALUABLE CONTENT
  • It lowers your cost per click, cost per messageing and overall advertising cost


Organic is actually a testing field for your ads!



Because you have to cover multiple touchpoints with your potential clients to get higher conversion rate and sales!

If you use multiple touchpoints on the client journey to find a solution for their problem the probability of conversion is much higher.


Here are the main advices:

  • Make a strategy ahead: offers, audience, sales funnel, goals and timeframe and the channels
  • Don’t use just organic traffic
  • Don’t use just ads
  • Combine push&pull strategy
  • Use multi-channel marketing – choose your channels wisely
  • Set objectives based on the funnel phase and based on your goals
  • A proper testing structure in place will bring you results: this means that you test everything in strategic way – test each phase according to the objective, test different types of ads, different goals of ads, different creatives and different audience targeting.
  • Audience insights and targeting: who is your audience, your ideal client? There are lot of resources out there to get same datas (for example Facebook Audience Insights,…). Audience can be targeted through the FB core audience options (demographics, interests, behaviours) or from your own data (website visitors, custom audiences, lookalike audiences…)
  • Use FB alghorithm to your advantage! Firstly if you don’t have the FB pixel on your site, you should activate it today. This is a game changer, because your clients and visitors are actually teaching FB how to get them the next time and how to get similar audience that is your ideal client. Everytime someone engages with your content, visits your site, adds to cart, send an inquiry –  these are all the signals to Facebook pixel that you want more similar people. If you don’t have the FB pixel, then it’s like being bindfolded on a mine field.
  • Ads are not a magic stick that will bring you results immediately. But with a proper structure, testing and strategy, you will find that 1 perfect ad that will bring you the conversion the first time when someone buys, the second one, the third one…. And then it’s time to scale


So as you can see, combining organic and paid strategies, having a proper lead generation strategy, helps you organize your strategy into a step by step action roadmap that wil help you generate leads and sales strategically and most of all, repeatable and at scale.



A funnel explained in a simple way is just a strategy to attract leads, offer them some type of free content, product, service and then pitch them an entry point offer/product and upgrade or up.sell to a higher cost item/srvice in the future.

So you don’t jump into the direct selling right away, but instead you first attract cold audience, warm them up with usefull content, advices, get initial interest, warm the leads and then sell. It seems like a lot of work, but in return you get higher conversion rate, more sales and higher life-time value of your clients. So this is actually a building a relationship with your clients from a complete stranger to a devoted fan, that trusts you.


So how do the funnel ads work?
Similar when you do organic outreach in the launching mode.


Top of the funnel – Awareness, consideration, attract – these are the cold audience, and you start with traffic, reach and engagements posts and ads


Educate & Engage

Middle of the funnel – Consideration and conversion, here you actually start with your active launch, whether that is an invitation to live masterclass, or an evergreen webinar that runs 24hours per day and gives you new leads and interested clients every day. Or you can have a direct sales ads for your offer.


Bottom of the funnel – goal is conversion, new clients and sales. Here is where the conversion and retargeting ads come in play.


So as you can see, combining organic and paid strategies, having a proper lead generation strategy, helps you organize your strategy into a step by step action roadmap that will help you generate leads and sales strategically and most of all, repeatable and at scale.


Below is an image showing you how you drive your potential clients from cold audience (strangers) to leads and customers.

Below is an image showing you how audience targeting is connected to different sales funnel stages: